Durban can grow and flower beautifully in any climate, from temperate to tropical. She is a perfect outdoor sativa for growers of all experience levels. She’s quick, fungus-resistant and a great producer, even in a dubious summer! Outdoor height gain in flowering is manageable and plants can be kept around 150cm if necessary. To maximize plant size and harvest, Durban Feminized cannabis seeds can be started indoors as early as March and plants may finish around 250cm if they are not pruned or cut back throughout their growing and flowering cycle. When treated well, Durban Feminized buds have a rich and complex range of aromas and flavors. Most common are sweet and fruity scents with strong overtones of lemon and more subtle aniseed notes. Plants of this family which display noticeably darker foliage than their sisters will often have a more earthy smell when flowering, which later ripens into aromas reminiscent of chocolate, coffee or sandalwood. This strain has a distinct sativa high mixed with a strong body effect.